It wasn’t too long that we published an article about FSearch, a system stand-alone search utility tool for Linux. Today, we have another powerful app for you and it goes by the name of ANGRYsearch.
Read Also: 6 Most Awesome Quick File Searching Tools for Linux Desktop
ANGRYsearch is a free and open-source Linux file searching tool with a focus on performance.
ANGRYsearch was created to fill the space that the famous Everything Search Engine did not fill in the Linux community. It functions as a system-wide search tool that instantly populates its results fields as you type. It is written in python 3 with its GUI created with PyQt5.
ANGRYsearch can be configured to use either a Lite or Full mode. The lite mode displays only file names and paths while the full mode includes the size and modification date.

While you are free to use either mode, keep it in mind that the lite mode is twice as fast as the full mode. You can set the mode in ~/.config/angrysearch/angrysearch.conf
by setting angrysearch_lite
to true or false.
ANGRYsearch has 3 search modes – fast, slow, and regex.
Features in ANGRYsearch
- Free to use on Linux platforms.
- A beautiful, minimalist GUI.
- Open-source with source code available on GitHub.
- Lite & Full modes.
- Quick file indexing.
- Real-time search results.
- Memory-friendly.
- Regex support.
- Supports keyboard shortcuts.
- Supports customization with themes and icon sets.
There is an already-comprehensive breakdown of ANGRYsearch’s features coupled with a guide on how to install it on your machine on GitHub so I wouldn’t bother reproducing the process here.
[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Check out ANGRYsearch on GitHub” style=”squared” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#529b30″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-github” icon_type=”fa” nofollow=”1″]
However, if you need any help along the way feel free to enter your question in the comments box below.
What do you think about ANGRYsearch in relation to FSearch? Is there another app that can rub shoulders with them? Add your comment below.
Hi again,
I installed angrysearch and it works but “slow (substring) search mode” and “regex mode” won´t work. Another user faces the same problem .
Have you got any ideas why that is?
as I´m a friend of running programmes without installation whenever possible I´d like to know whether there´s a method of running
angrysearch that way (i.e. without having to install it). On it says: “ file alone is all that is needed for full functionality”. Would that work?
Please, please, pretty please clean up the page design here. There is just so much clutter and junk even in the middle of the article.
Because Linux does not have plenty of tools already that get that done quickly and efficiently.
I cannot find one that works properly (graphical interface checking various paths quickly).
Do you have any suggestions for ubuntu 20?