8 Best Cryptocurrency Mining Tools for Linux

Cryptocurrencies are any digital assets designed to be mediums of exchange implementing strong cryptographic practices.

Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency and ever since its release in 2009, enthusiasts have created 4,000+ alternative variants of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Cryptomining involves verifying and adding crypto transactions to the blockchain digital ledger and we have compiled a list of the best 8 apps you can use for the task.

1. CGMiner

CGMiner is an open source C-based multi-threaded multi-pool ASIC and FPGA and it is among the most used cryptocurrency miners with support and binaries for RPi, OpenWrt routers.

Its features include remote interface capabilities, CPU mining, multi GPU support, fan speed control, block solve detection, bitburner support, coinbase decoding, etc.

2. BFGMiner

BFGMiner is another Bitcoin miner written in C for modular ASIC/FPGA. It features dynamic clocking, monitoring, remote interface capabilities, ADL device reordering by PCI bus ID etc. And unlike CGMiner which focuses on GPUs, its focus is specific to ASICs.

3. BTCMiner

BTCMiner is an open source Bitcoin miner for ZTEX USB-FPGA Modules. The boards contain an interface for USB used for communication and programming without the need for a JTAG programmer.

One feature that stands out is its ability to use standard components e.g. USB hubs to build FPGA clusters.

4. EasyMiner

EasyMiner is a GUI based software and it acts as a convenient wrapper for CGMiner and BFGMiner software.

EasyMiner can be used for solo mining, CPU mining, cuda mining, pool mining etc and it supports the stratum and getwork mining protocols. When available, it automatically uses AVX, AVX2, and SSE2.

5. BitMinter

BitMinter is a mining pool that wants bitcoin mining to be easy for everyone. Being among the oldest mining pools since its release in 2011, it boasts a user base of 450,000+ registered users which puts in more than a word for its reliability.

BitMinter records your mining work in shifts using the PPLNS reward system and each time you create a new block, you get a share of the income proportional to your work in the last 10 completed shifts.

6. PyMiner

PyMiner is a cross-platform getwork CPU mining client for bitcoin built for study purposes.

It is written purely in Python and in order to run you must build and run bitcoind from source on your computer.

7. MultiMiner

MultiMiner is an open source cross-platform client for crypto-currency mining and monitoring. Of all the mining tools on this list, it is the only one to pride itself as an intuitive mining tool.

Under the hood, MultiMiner uses BFGMiner to provide users with an improved User Experience. It also displays the profit you’ll make by using it and collects 1% commission for the service.

8. BitMiner

BitMiner is an easy-to-setup pooling app for mining bitcoin with a reward system of 40 Satoshi per minute and 0.0006 Bitcoins per day in profit.

Its main selling point is its fully automatic processes that help virtually anybody to get up and running with mining bitcoins. Ever since its launch about two and a half years ago, its members have reportedly received a total of 3167.39183834 Bitcoins.

What are your favourite mining apps? Do you have any titles that you can add to the list? Feel free to drop your comments and/or suggestions in the discussion section below.

Divine Okoi is a cybersecurity postgrad with a passion for the open-source community. With 700+ articles covering different topics in IT, you can always trust him to inform you about the coolest tech.

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4 thoughts on “8 Best Cryptocurrency Mining Tools for Linux”

    • You have to search on github and then compile itself, there are no binaries mostly, only from scratch.

      Friendly regards


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