Oomox – Generate Color Variants of Numix GTK2/GTK3 Themes

Oomox is a GUI tool with which you can generate several color variations of Numix (GTK2 / GTK3) themes, as well as Gnome-Colors and Archdroid icon themes. It ships with support for GNOME, Unity, Xfce4 and Openbox desktop environments, and a plethora of built-in presets which can be customized further.

It is virtually the easiest way to create your own GTK 3.20 theme and thanks to one of the app’s users, Spatry, you can check out Oomox in action in the video below:

Features in Oomox

  • Generate Unity theme.
  • Use Unity’s default launcher style (off by default).
  • Export icon themes.
  • Preview within the app window before exporting.
  • Generate Metacity theme.
  • Generate a color palette for Qt5ct (tested with Fusion Qt5 theme).
  • Configure window manager border colors.
  • Support for theming GTK text caret.
  • Support for customizable keyboard shortcuts.

Furthermore, there’s a new option to use the default Unity launcher style (off by default). Without turning this option ON, this is how Unity Launcher looks with themes generated using Oomox (and Numix GTK theme):

You can install Oomox on Ubuntu 15.10 and later, and Linux Mint 18 and later by adding the PPA to your repository via your terminal like so:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install oomox

If you would rather install the .deb package hit the button below.

[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Download Oomox .deb Package” style=”squared” url=”http://ppa.launchpad.net/nilarimogard/webupd8/ubuntu/pool/main/o/oomox/” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow” bg_color=”#46698E” txt_color=”#fff” icon=”fa-download” icon_type=”fa” nofollow=”1″]

Using Oomox is pretty straight forward. Launch it and select a preset of your choice (or edit the colors individually) and click “Export theme“. You can use GNOME (or Unity), Tweak Tool, to change your theme and that’s it!

Mind you, you will need to have Inkscape and ImageMagick installed in order to be able to generate any icon themes at all. Install them with the command below:

$ sudo apt install inkscape imagemagick

What’s your take on Oomox? Do you have the time to customize themes for yourself or you would rather let the pros do it for you? Share your opinion with us in the comments section.

Divine Okoi is a cybersecurity postgrad with a passion for the open-source community. With 700+ articles covering different topics in IT, you can always trust him to inform you about the coolest tech.

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1 thought on “Oomox – Generate Color Variants of Numix GTK2/GTK3 Themes”

  1. I realize this was written two years ago, but I have to say, this is one awesome programme. I used to spend a lot of time looking for themes and/or redoing the *.css files in existing themes. (I hate the grey used in dark themes.) Then I found Oomox Theme Builder. Absolutely fantastic.


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