We know Microsoft loves Linux. At least that is the impression the Redmond Giant has given us after making moves like bringing SQL server to Linux and open-sourcing PowerShell for Linux and MacOS.
That hasn’t kept me from wondering, however, why the Linux Skype app is still in (as far as I am concerned,) bad shape. The first release after two years of utter stagnation was 7 months ago and it was only 2 months ago the app received the feature to send SMS. A feature Skype alternatives have already had for longer than 7 months.
Moreso, the app has a dull User Interface, which in turns, produces a dull User Experience. I was happy to hear Microsoft redesigned the app from scratch to give it the famous Microsoft look (after all these years). As far as I am concerned, it is till it looks like the concept below before I will have hope in it again.

I use Wire to make my VoIP calls on Ubuntu because of its beautifully intuitive design and delivery. I don’t see why some folks will rather struggle to get their app convenient enough for their use when there are a number of alternatives they can pick from.
This poll is to know how many of us use the Skype for Linux app and are looking forward to what Microsoft will bring next in future updates.
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Some of my friends have found a way to enjoy its performance and focus on the work that needs to be done. Let us know the side you stand in by answering the poll below:
Skype for Linux is good but it is definitely not my dedicated video calling app. Some of the dedicated video calling apps which I use for my business purposes are R-HUB HD video conferencing servers, Webex, Gomeetnow etc.