Poll: Will You Install MS SQL Server Public Preview on Linux?

Microsoft’s SQL server is one of the most secure, industry-leading, highest-performing databases in the game right now and with it, developers are at liberty to use a variety of languages to build different modern applications which they can then deploy onto any platform of choice, including Linux, MacOS, Windows, Docker, and the cloud.

Now that Microsoft has made SQL Server’s public preview available on Linux, developers who have always wanted to use the tool have an opportunity to test it for themselves and subscribe to using it if they want. I imagine that Microsoft will reach greater heights once Linux users adapt it’s server technology.

The thing is, despite Microsoft’s move in considering the Linux community, it doesn’t imply that the SQL Server is on the path to being open source – and many Linux developers take joy in using certain services with one of their chief reasons being that they are open-source.

So if the only reason you might want to install the MS SQL Server is because it’s open source then you’ll have to get another reason.

I’m going to give MS SQL Server a test drive, just to see first hand what the trend is capable of. But what about you guys? The lot of you who are developers – will you Install MS SQL Server on your Linux system? Pick one of the options in the poll below:

Whatever your pick is, feel free to explain your reasons in the comments section down below.

Divine Okoi is a cybersecurity postgrad with a passion for the open-source community. With 700+ articles covering different topics in IT, you can always trust him to inform you about the coolest tech.

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