Master PDF Editor is a powerful multi-purpose editor for easily and professionally viewing, scanning, creating, and modifying PDF documents.
It features OCR functionality alongside the ability to add digital signatures to PDF files, to encrypt them, split a source document into multiple documents, and to merge several files into one, among other functions.

Features in Master PDF Editor
- Freemium Service: Master PDF Editor is available for free and commercially.
- Cross-Platform: Enjoy the Master PDF Editor experience on GNU/Linux, Mac, and Windows.
- Support for all major PDF editing functions including adding and removing text to and from PDF files respectively, resizing objects, inserting images, copying objects in PDF files to the clipboard, etc.
- Contains annotation tools including strike-through, measuring tools and shapes, sticky notes, etc.
- Optical character recognition.
- Create, edit, and fill PDF forms.
- Supports virtual printing.
- Merge or split PDF files.
- Create, edit, and remove bookmarks.
- Add digital signatures to files.
- Edit scanned documents (including ones with images).
Master PDF Editor is available to download and use for free on all three desktop platforms with the only limitation being the inability to include digital signatures, watermarks, and encryption to output files. It is, however, perfect for you if all you will need to do is create and edit PDF files.
The commercial version costs a one-time fee of $50 which is a relatively affordable price if you’ll be getting a sufficient amount of profit from your annotations.
Download either the free or paid version by following the button below.
[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Download Master PDF Editor for Linux” style=”squared” url=”” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow” bg_color=”#46698E” txt_color=”#fff” icon=”fa-download” icon_type=”fa” nofollow=”1″]
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